How Do I Complete the Due Diligence Process?

EdgeworthBox has a standard set of due diligence forms. Buyers may elect to use these in place of their own forms for vendor vetting to expedite the process. They may choose to use these to supplement their own questions.

Last Updated February 2021

Who Is This For?

This article is for users within an organization who have administrative access. They can invite other users from their organization. Note: the answers and supporting documentation that suppliers provide here are in a “lockbox” under their control. They can invite counterparties to view the information and they have the option to cancel such access at any given time. This is much more convenient than the way most buyers solicit vendor risk management information.

Common Issues

One problem that can arise is if people from the same organization join without being invited to do so by the user with administrative access for an organization that has signed up already. This can lead to duplication of the organization on the platform, diluting its impact and confusing other users.

Solution Overview

1. In the left hand menu, select “Onboarding Forms”:

This will take you to a screen that looks like this:

2. Click on “Standard Due Diligence”, taking you to:

There are a number of standard questions that other organizations use to assess new counterparties. Buyers need to vet suppliers as part of their vendor management process.

By using a standardized set of due diligence questions, EdgeworthBox shortens and simplifies the process.

Companies will be prompted to upload supporting documentation, as well. For example:

3. For companies that seek further certification as minority-owned or women-owned suppliers, there is an additional set of optional questions to fill out.

4. When the user has finished with the form, they can either save it as a draft or publish the information to their Lockbox, maintaining control over who has access.

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